Why invigorate time of sauna is only 2 minutes?

Hello everyone!
My name is “Take” and I am the operator of “Practice of Sauna Activity”.

I’ve also got an easy-to-understand, live commentary on YouTube, so please check it out here (only japanese)!

I’m sure some of you are asking, “How soon after I get out of the water bath should I go for an outdoor air bath?” or “What is invigorate anyway?” I think some of you may be asking yourself.

In this issue, we will tell you what is “toning” and the real time of “invigorate”!

This article will help you…
・Know your invigorate sauna!
・Know your time limit for invigorate sauna!

let’s go!!!!

Conclusion: The time limit for invigorate is “2 minutes”.

do not run in the bath

The body is in a state of “invigorate” when the parasympathetic nervous system is dominant in an external air bath, despite the presence of adrenaline in the blood after a sauna or a water bath.

Research has shown that it takes “2 minutes” for the amount of adrenaline to decrease and the effect to weaken!

That two-minute countdown begins the moment you get out of the water bath!

So, never get out of the water bath and go to wash up or drink water, but go straight to your chair!


How was it?

I know this post is a little short, but I put it together because it’s extremely important!

The time to invigorate is 2 minutes, so make that time precious!

And by invigorate, I meant that the sauna water bath left adrenaline in the bloodstream, while the outdoor air bath caused the parasympathetic nervous system to become dominant, which is a state of opposites!

If you read this article, you will all be very aware of the distance between each sauna water bath and the external air bath and the internal air bath! (LOL)

Okay, that was a long post, but thanks for reading! I will try my best to post English articles as well, so please check out my other articles!

サウナーに拡散しよう! Let's tell people about it!


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