Sauna bathing lowers the risk of disease!?

Hello everyone!
My name is “Take” and I am the operator of “Practice of Sauna Activity”.
I’ve also got an easy-to-understand, live commentary on YouTube, so please check it out here (only japanese)!

You may be thinking, “My blood pressure has been high lately…” or “I don’t know why I don’t feel motivated…” or “Will taking a sauna make me less likely to get sick?” I think there are some of you out there who are wondering “Why do I feel unmotivated?

In this issue, we will tell you about the relationship between saunas and illness!

This article will help you…
・We know the connection between sauna and diseases!
・You will learn about diseases that can be prevented by sauna!
・You’ll want to adopt it as anti-aging!

Let’s gooooo!!!

Conclusion: saunas can lower the risk of disease

An article published in 2018 by the Mayo Clinic in the United States states that the more days you spend in the sauna, the lower your risk of “myocardial infarction, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia”.

The study compared “those who take a sauna only once a week with those who take it 4 to 7 times a week.

The results showed a 52% reduction in risk of myocardial infarction, a 65% reduction in risk of Alzheimer’s disease, a 66% reduction in risk of dementia, and a 77% reduction in risk of depression-related mental illness.

In my opinion, daily is best, so I feel that 10 times a week is indeed too much.

If you go in too many times, it may have negative effects such as sauna addiction!

Effective in reducing high blood pressure

The first and foremost cause of hypertension is “too much salt. This is because salt causes the blood vessels to become flabby.

But when you take a sauna, you eliminate the factors that lead to high blood pressure because sweat causes a lot of salt and water to leave the body, and it also prevents swelling!

It also lowers the risk of heart disease.

Furthermore, according to a Finnish study of 2,000 middle-aged men, it has also been shown to “reduce the risk of heart disease and death.

Studies have shown that sauna increases heart rate and cardiac workload, which in turn increases the elasticity of blood vessels!

In addition, a total of 25 minutes of sauna bathing and 30 minutes of rest is equivalent in burden to moderate aerobic exercise, according to a 2019 study in the German Journal of Medicine, so elasticity and some I would expect there to be a connection.

Increased immunity and reduced susceptibility to colds and flu

Sauna can boost your immune system!

The HSP (a substance in the body that repairs cells and tissues) produced by sauna also repairs immune cells.

This means that weakened immune cells are converted into new, stronger immune cells, thus boosting immunity!

In fact, a study conducted by the University of Vienna in 1990 showed that people who habitually take a sauna were about half as likely to catch a cold as those who did not.

Is it effective against COVID-19 ?

So, is sauna effective against coronaviruses? The result was that “it is not known whether it is absolutely effective, but it is highly likely to be effective.

According to an article in Medical Hypotheses, a medical journal published in January 2021

“We hypothesize that hot and cold baths, such as saunas, are effective against coronaviruses and other viruses, and we recommend their implementation until the results are known.”

The article went on to say.

My personal opinion is that the results show that it is effective against colds, flu, etc., so I predict it will be effective against coronaviruses as well!


How was your experience?

It turns out that taking a sauna can improve myocardial infarction, Alzheimer’s, dementia, heart disease, high blood pressure, and more!

It was also effective against colds and flu because it boosts your immune system!

As for coronavirus, it was uncertain whether it was effective or not, but medical journals recommended it, so it might have a small positive effect!

In the age of 100 years of life, let’s take a sauna to extend our healthy life expectancy so that we can live a healthy life for many decades to come, just like me!

Okay, that was a long post, but thanks for reading! I will try my best to post English articles as well, so please check out my other articles!

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