Sauna x coffee increases the effect of fat burning!

Hello everyone!
My name is “Take” and I am the operator of “Practice of Sauna Activity”.

I’ve also got an easy-to-understand, live commentary on YouTube, so please check it out here (only japanese)!

“Will taking a sauna help me lose weight in the first place?” Or, “How does the combination of coffee and sauna help me lose weight?” We think there are some people out there who are wondering “What are the effects of coffee and sauna?

In this article, we will discuss the relationship between sauna and weight loss, and the effects of sauna and coffee!

This article will help you…
・Sauna and Coffee: The Benefits of Sauna and Coffee!
・The relationship between sauna and fat burning!

Let’s goooo!!

There is an indirect sauna diet effect.

As for sauna and weight loss, see my previous article on that!

Conclusion: Coffee before sauna promotes fat burning

Yes, I’m sure many of you have actually heard that “drinking coffee before aerobic exercise promotes fat burning”.

It is the same for sauna, and I will explain the mechanism!

Coffee activates brown fat cells

The first is “white fat cells.
They are scattered all over the body and store excess energy ingested in the internal organs and under the skin.
Simply put, they are the cause of obesity due to overeating and are our enemy (lol).

The other is “brown fat cells.
As the name suggests, they are brown fat cells that generate heat to break down and burn fat.
They are also known as “lean body cells” and are found only in limited places such as the neck, chest, and shoulder blades.
This one is our ally!

And studies on humans have shown that brown fat cells, our allies, generate heat and burn fat when we drink coffee.

But whether it is the caffeine from coffee or some other ingredient that causes the brown fat cells to be activated is not known at this stage, says Professor Michael Simmons of the University of Nottingham.

At any rate, he says, drinking coffee activates fat-burning cells and accelerates weight loss!

Coffee before sauna, synergy!

So why does it work so well with sauna?

According to Dr. Eiichiro Isshi of International University of Health and Welfare Hospital, caffeine has the effect of stimulating blood circulation.

And when you take a sauna, your blood flow increases and you sweat, and that sweating increases the absorption rate of caffeine in the blood!

In addition, an article also stated that when bathing, the sympathetic autonomic nervous system becomes active when the temperature reaches 42°C, resulting in more calories being consumed.

Sauna temperatures are much higher than that, and just entering the sauna raises the sympathetic nervous system, so I feel sauna is more effective than bathing!

Also, as I mentioned in another diet article above that taking a sauna raises basal metabolism, drinking coffee also raises metabolic rate.

In fact, according to an article interviewing Dr. Lu Hua, deputy chief physician at the First Hospital affiliated with South University.

Studies have shown that caffeine increases basal metabolic rate by 3-11%, and the higher the amount of caffeine consumed, the greater the effect. In addition, most of the benefits of increased metabolism are related to fat burning. Typically, consuming 300 milligrams of caffeine a day burns an extra 79 calories.”

And that caffeine effect from coffee is said to last about three to four hours, so make sure you get your sauna done (with room to spare) during that time!

To put it simply, the coffee itself has a fat-burning effect, and the sauna accelerates it!


How was it!

Well, I’d say that bathing and coffee go hand in hand, and I felt that a cross between a sauna and coffee was a definite good idea!

Coffee activates brown fat cells, which in turn promotes fat burning!

Also, coffee before sauna increases sweating and other things that accelerate the fat burning of coffee!

Hey there dieters! Buy just one cup of coffee before your sauna and drink it!

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